Days of my Life #47

“Only the Lonely.” By Roy Orbison. Who knows why, since I haven’t thought about that particular song in years. However, that’s the song that creeped into my brain this morning after waking. Was it the dream I had last night about my sweetheart who died nearly eight years ago? Maybe? But probably it has more … Continue reading Days of my Life #47

Selling Max’s CJ7 – do they drive jeeps in heaven?

Judging by my title, most people who know me also know I'm finally ready to sell Maxie's infamous jeep. For those who don't know me, I can say that the JEEP has been a labor of love, grief, frustration, more love, a lot of tears, a good deal of hard earned cash and help from … Continue reading Selling Max’s CJ7 – do they drive jeeps in heaven?

Will you still need me….when I’m 64?

Yeah, i know, I probably already mentioned...Max and I had a 1984 magnum of champagne we were saving to celebrate a special occasion. We figured it would be a movie role or a script sale for him, a book deal for me, or our combined 64th birthdays. Things change. Max died. The bottle got drunk … Continue reading Will you still need me….when I’m 64?

Can o’Max #7 Kentucky Bound -Get Over it!

Its December 31 and I gave Can o'Max #7 away. Well, not exactly away, that sounds flippant, when that's not my intent, at least here. I gave it to Max's brother Simmy and his kids Zach and Abby yesterday, to take back to Lexington where they live now and where Max used to, long ago. … Continue reading Can o’Max #7 Kentucky Bound -Get Over it!

Petrified Can O’Max #5

Tis the holiday season and I am on the road, again! No, I am not moonlighting as a warped, Jewish version of Santa Claus, though I am driving a shiny red ford escape which might be mistaken by nearsighted individuals as a sleigh... But I'm not schlepping tons of wrapped shit across the country or … Continue reading Petrified Can O’Max #5

Honey, i sold your motorcycle.

"Sell the damn thing. It's okay baby I don't need it where I am, I've got one that runs great!" That's what I hear him saying. It's just weeks before what would have been my beloved Max Middleton's 63rd birthday. He was a Halloween baby, the spook. I'm wondering if per chance he will show … Continue reading Honey, i sold your motorcycle.

Trains planes texas bound September 11,2013

My bags are packed, I'm ready to go ...sounds like a song lyric? It is. Songs have been running through my brain since Max walked into the light yesterday. "Happy trails to you", a la Roy Rogers and Dale Evans was the first," which was followed by "So long, farewell... good bye (the last word … Continue reading Trains planes texas bound September 11,2013

Sailing into the sunset, enjoying the moment.

I took a big leap yesterday when I hopped on a tourist boat trip from Petra, breathing the fresh sea air as we bumped, glided and sailed around the northern island coast of Lesbos, passing tourist towns and fishing villages, arriving about two hours later at the tiny harbor of Skala Skyamnias (my spelling may … Continue reading Sailing into the sunset, enjoying the moment.